A Feast of Rich Food 11/22/23 (Thanksgiving Eve) Watch Bible Text: Isaiah 25:6-8 | Speaker: Pastor Matthew Nelson
Comforted to Comfort 11/24/21 (Thanksgiving Eve) Watch Bible Text: 2 Corinthians 1:3-11 | Speaker: Pastor Micah Hjermstad
Abundant God 11/25/20 (Thanksgiving Eve) Watch Bible Text: 1 Samuel 8:1-18 | Speaker: Pastor Patrick VandenBos
Lifelong Thanksgiving 11/27/19 (Thanksgiving Eve) Listen Bible Text: Psalm 116:12-19 | Speaker: Pastor Peter Ward
Prayer and Thanksgiving 11/21/18 (Thanksgiving Eve) Listen Bible Text: 1 Timothy 2:1-4 | Speaker: Pastor Ryan Patenaude
His Steadfast Love Endures Forever 11/22/17 (Thanksgiving Eve) Listen Bible Text: Psalm 136 | Speaker: Pastor Micah Hjermstad
God Supplies Every Need 11/23/16 (Thanksgiving Eve) Listen Bible Text: Philippians 4:19-20 | Speaker: Pastor Micah Hjermstad
Thankful Dependence 11/25/15 (Thanksgiving Eve) Listen Bible Text: I Timothy 2:1-4 | Speaker: Pastor Micah Hjermstad