Do Not Trust in Deceptive Words 08/04/24 (Sunday Worship Service) Watch Bible Text: | Speaker: Pastor Michael Onstad
What Has Straw in Common with Wheat? 07/21/24 (Sunday Worship Service) Watch Bible Text: | Speaker: Pastor Michael Onstad
Formed to Work and to Keep 07/14/24 (Sunday Worship Service) Watch Bible Text: | Speaker: Pastor Michael Onstad
Genesis 50:15-21 06/23/24 (Sunday Worship Service) Watch Bible Text: | Speaker: Pastor Michael Onstad
No Longer Strangers, but Fellow Citizens 06/09/24 (Sunday Worship Service) Watch Bible Text: | Speaker: Pastor Michael Onstad
Use Your Gifts for Good 01/14/24 (Sunday Worship Service) Watch Bible Text: Romans 12:4-16 | Speaker: Pastor Michael Onstad