“Sprit – Grown Fruit” 04/03/17 (Sunday Worship Service) Listen Bible Text: Galatians 5: 16-25 | Speaker: Pastor Micah Hjermstad
“Christ, The Hated One” 03/29/17 (Lent) Listen Bible Text: JOHN 15: 18-25 | Speaker: Pastor Steve Berntson
Jerusalem Above 03/26/17 (Sunday Worship Service) Listen Bible Text: Galatians 4:21-31 | Speaker: Pastor Micah Hjermstad
Christ, The Poor One 03/22/17 (Lent) Listen Bible Text: II Corinthinians 8:9 | Speaker: Pastor Micah Hjermstad
The Curse of Reason and the Blessing of Faith 03/19/17 (Sunday Worship Service) Listen Bible Text: Galatians 3:1-14 | Speaker: Pastor Micah Hjermstad
The Whole of My Sin Nailed to His Cross 03/12/17 (Sunday Worship Service) Listen Bible Text: Galatians 2:15-21 | Speaker: Pastor Micah Hjermstad
Christ, The Humbled One 03/08/17 (Lent) Listen Bible Text: Philippians 2:5-11 | Speaker: Pastor Steve Berntson
A Big Solution for a Big Problem 03/05/17 (Sunday Worship Service) Listen Bible Text: Galatians 1:11-16a | Speaker: Pastor Micah Hjermstad
Christ, The Forsaken One 03/01/17 (Lent) Listen Bible Text: Matthew 27:38-50 | Speaker: Pastor Micah Hjermstad