A Glorious Resting Place 12/08/19 (Sunday Worship Service) Listen Bible Text: Isaiah 11:1-10 | Speaker: Pastor Micah Hjermstad
A New Day Will Come 12/01/19 (Sunday Worship Service) Listen Bible Text: Romans 13:11-14 | Speaker: Pastor Micah Hjermstad
Lifelong Thanksgiving 11/27/19 (Thanksgiving Eve) Listen Bible Text: Psalm 116:12-19 | Speaker: Pastor Peter Ward
When Death Comes for You 11/17/19 (Sunday Worship Service) Listen Bible Text: 2 Timothy 4:6-18 | Speaker: Pastor Micah Hjermstad
Wrestling with God 11/10/19 (Sunday Worship Service) Listen Bible Text: Genesis 32:22-30 | Speaker: Pastor Micah Hjermstad
The Gratitude of Faith 11/03/19 (Sunday Worship Service) Listen Bible Text: Luke 17:11-19 | Speaker: Pastor Peter Ward
Stewards of God’s Goodness 10/27/19 (Sunday Worship Service) Listen Bible Text: Matthew 25:14-30 | Speaker: Pastor Micah Hjermstad
The Story of two older brothers 10/20/19 (Sunday Worship Service) Listen Bible Text: Luke 15:25-32 | Speaker: Pastor Micah Hjermstad