Stewards of God’s Goodness 10/27/19 (Sunday Worship Service) Listen Bible Text: Matthew 25:14-30 | Speaker: Pastor Micah Hjermstad
The Story of two older brothers 10/20/19 (Sunday Worship Service) Listen Bible Text: Luke 15:25-32 | Speaker: Pastor Micah Hjermstad
Are you ready for the Feast? 10/06/19 (Sunday Worship Service) Listen Bible Text: | Speaker: Pastor Micah Hjermstad
His Mercy Is More 09/22/19 (Sunday Worship Service) Listen Bible Text: Matthew 18:21-35 | Speaker: Pastor Micah Hjermstad
The Believer’s Shining Future 09/15/19 (Sunday Worship Service) Listen Bible Text: | Speaker: Pastor Peter Ward
A Personal and Productive Seed 09/08/19 (Sunday Worship Service) Listen Bible Text: | Speaker: Pastor Micah Hjermstad
Forward-Looking Faith 09/01/19 (Sunday Worship Service) Listen Bible Text: Hebrews 11:1-3 | Speaker: Pastor Micah Hjermstad
Our Father 08/18/19 (Sunday Worship Service) Listen Bible Text: Luke 11:1-13 | Speaker: Pastor Micah Hjermstad
The Wonder of Reconciliation 08/11/19 (Sunday Worship Service) Listen Bible Text: | Speaker: Pastor Peter Ward