Hope for All in Christ 12/08/24 (Sunday Worship Service) Watch Bible Text: | Speaker: Pastor Michael Onstad
It’s Time to Wake Up! 12/01/24 (Sunday Worship Service) Watch Bible Text: | Speaker: Pastor Matthew Nelson
Rejoicing in the Future 11/24/24 (Sunday Worship Service) Watch Bible Text: | Speaker: Pastor Brandon Marschner
Look to the Lamb, Not to Calves 11/17/24 (Sunday Worship Service) Watch Bible Text: | Speaker: Pastor Michael Onstad
The Dragonslayer 11/10/24 (Sunday Worship Service) Watch Bible Text: | Speaker: Pastor Matthew Nelson
Stand Firm and Hold Fast 11/03/24 (Sunday Worship Service) Watch Bible Text: | Speaker: Pastor Todd Erickson
Special Meetings Fourth Session 11/02/24 (Special Meetings) Watch Bible Text: | Speaker: Pastor Todd Erickson
Special Meetings Third Session 11/02/24 (Special Meetings) Watch Bible Text: | Speaker: Pastor Todd Erickson