Coming, Covenant, Claiming 07/23/23 (Sunday Worship Service) Watch Bible Text: Exodus 34:5-10 | Speaker: Hans Tanner
Are You Ready? 07/16/23 (Sunday Worship Service) Watch Bible Text: Matthew 25:1-13 | Speaker: Greg Schmitke
Peace with God 07/09/23 (Sunday Worship Service) Watch Bible Text: John 14:27 | Speaker: Pastor Jeremy Larson
A Disciple is Not Above his Teacher 07/02/23 (Sunday Worship Service) Watch Bible Text: Matthew 10:24-33 | Speaker: Pastor Jeremy Larson
God Opposes the Proud 06/25/23 (Sunday Worship Service) Watch Bible Text: I Peter 5:5b-11 | Speaker: Pastor Jeremy Larson
Just Rub some Dirt on It 06/18/23 (Sunday Worship Service) Watch Bible Text: Matthew 9:9-13 | Speaker: Pastor Matthew Nelson
Now the Lord said to Abram 06/11/23 (Sunday Worship Service) Watch Bible Text: Genesis 12:1-4 | Speaker: Jeremy Larson
Jesus is the Lord 06/04/23 (Sunday Worship Service) Watch Bible Text: Matthew 28:16-20 | Speaker: Pastor Richard Sliper
When the Day of Pentecost Arrived 05/28/23 (Sunday Worship Service) Watch Bible Text: Acts 2:1-21 | Speaker: Pastor Jeremy Larson