In Step with the Spirit 04/25/21 (Sunday Worship Service) Watch Bible Text: Galatians 5:16-25 | Speaker: Pastor Patrick VandenBos
The Congregation is Free 09/27/20 (Sunday Worship Service) Watch Bible Text: Galatians 5:1 | Speaker: Pastor Micah HjermstadSeries: What Is a Congregation?
“A New Creation, A New King” 04/09/17 (Sunday Worship Service) Listen Bible Text: Galations 6: 11-16 | Speaker: Pastor Micah Hjermstad
“Sprit – Grown Fruit” 04/03/17 (Sunday Worship Service) Listen Bible Text: Galatians 5: 16-25 | Speaker: Pastor Micah Hjermstad
The Father’s Unrelenting Love 06/19/16 (Sunday Worship Service) Listen Bible Text: Galatians 3:23-29 | Speaker: Pastor Micah Hjermstad